#365 Detox 101 - Supporting Your Body Post-Breast Cancer

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In this episode of our podcast, we're diving into a topic that's super important for all of us on our journey to recovery and wellness after breast cancer: detoxification. Welcome to "Detox 101: Supporting Your Body Post-Breast Cancer."

Detoxification might sound like a fancy word, but I promise, it’s easy to understand and even easier to incorporate into your daily routine.

In this episode, I’ll break down the detox process into two simple phases. First, we sort out the trash (toxins), and then we make it safe to take out. We’ll talk about how crucial the liver is in this process, acting as the city's waste management center.

But what happens if our detox system isn't working as it should? We'll explore some common signs, which can indicate that your body needs a little extra help with detoxification.

The good news? There are plenty of foods and herbs that can support this process.

I’ll highlight some detox superstars and amazing herbs that can further enhance your detox efforts.

Join me as we navigate this essential aspect of empowering ourselves with knowledge and practical tips to support our incredible bodies. Tune in to learn how to feel your best, inside and out. Let's get started on this detox journey together! 

Referred to in this episode:

Metabolic Health Coaching

3x4 review video

Squeaky Clean Keto

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Read the full transcript:

You're listening to better than before breast cancer with the breast cancer recovery coach. I'm your host, Laura Lummer. I'm a certified life coach, and I'm a breast cancer thriver. In this podcast, I will give you the skills and the insights and the tools to move past the emotional and physical trauma of a breast cancer diagnosis. If you're looking for a way to create a life that's even better than before breast cancer, you've come to the right place. Let's get started. Hey there friends, you're listening to Episode 365 have better than before breast cancer. I'm your host, Laura Lummer. And today's are Tuesday Train Talk. Today, I am doing all I can to stay in the house because it's so gorgeous outside. I just want to go outside and play I want to be in the sun. And when these kind of days come once summer is upon us and the sun is out and it's warm. And we go outside and we sweat. But we love it anyway. Right? It's sunny, it's warm. People are basking in the sun at the beach swimming in the ocean. It's so lovely. And I think something that comes up a lot during the summer we'll return to great foods like fresh salads, and fresh fruit because it's hydrating, and it's cool, and it's refreshing and it's hot outside. And something that comes to my mind a lot during summertime is detoxification, because of all of the fresh stuff we're doing. And because of all of the sweating that we're doing and just getting the goo out of the body and getting the body moving. When I think about detoxification, I can't help but think about us as people who've had a breast cancer diagnosis, and all the things we hear about detoxification. And what does it actually mean? People offer detoxification therapies that can go from drink more water to do daily coffee enemas, right, you can hear a broad spectrum of things that people recommend to support detoxification. We think about the toxic burden, chemicals, synthetics, you know, staying away from fertilizers, eating organic food, getting synthetic fragrances out of your life out of your house, what you put on your body, all this stuff, there's such this huge range of ideas, and options and opportunities. When it comes to what we think about as detoxification. There's so many choices, that it can often be extremely overwhelming. And people say to me all the time, I can't even think about it. There's just too much. Everything's toxic. It's too much. I don't know if this is a thing everywhere. But it's a thing in California, I think it was a proposition that was passed here a few years back. And it's like, I literally everything has these little stickers on it. It's I don't remember what it was prop 65 I think something like that. Don't quote me. But it's got these little stickers on plastic bags. If you purchase something and it comes in, you know, like a sealed plastic bag or something that this can cause cancer. This is toxic. I mean, they're everywhere, these stickers, right? So what do you do when you feel that overwhelmed when you're thinking? What am I supposed to do? You know, for a long time, I hear people talk about detox. And it was always a really expensive supplement program or something that went along with what they were selling and saying this is this is so important that you get this to detoxify your body. And I would think well, as long as I have a healthy functioning liver and I'm living a clean life, and I'm eating good, organic food. Why do I need to do that, like my liver is an organ designed to detoxify my body is designed to detoxify itself. Because when our bodies are doing their daily functions, when our metabolism is working, it's making metabolic waste. And our body has to process metabolic waste and get it out. So I used to think like, what why would I have to do that stuff? As long as I'm healthy, my livers good, Aren't I good. And then I started to learn more. I started to study the metabolic approach to cancer, I started to pay more attention to toxins. And then I learned about nutrition genomics. And then I started to see how a body's systems work, and how genetics influenced the body's ability to detoxify. And this is just the regular straight up whatever's happening in your body as it metabolizes and goes through life every day, as well as toxins that we get exposed to. And I started to get a much better understanding of what detoxification meant. And for me, because I believe in food first, I started to really understand how I could make changes in my lifestyle in my diet to support whatever genetics needed a little more support when it came to my body's ability to detoxify itself. So I wanted to share with you today because I know this is a big deal and it's an area we care a lot of stuff about. So I want to give you some clarity on what is detoxification Anyway, how does it work? Is it okay? If you feel like you have a relatively clean life that your body's taking care of it that you're you don't have to worry about it? What can you do? That's simple? What's low hanging fruit? What foods can you eat? What herbs might support you? And how if you don't know what your genetic makeup is, if you don't know, your nutrition genome, how could you possibly tell if your body had problems with its ability to detoxify? So let's jump into that.

Let's talk about the details. And simplify this, let's get an understanding of the process of detoxification, how you might know if you need some more support in that area, and easy things you can do now to modify your diet and your lifestyle to support yourself. Alright, so first of all, let's talk about what detoxification is, let's imagine that your body is a big busy city. And I often think about my body like that, because we have these trillions of cells. And each cell is doing all these things. It's making energy, it's taking in nutrients, it's putting out ways, I mean, it is amazing the function of the body. So we've got this big, busy city, and there's all these functions going on. And there's waste that comes from these functions, as I said a minute ago. So what's going to come and clean up this way, it's just like a big city and people who are living and functioning have garbage. We are garbage trucks that come and collect the trash to keep the streets clean. And our body has a detoxification system to get rid of harmful substances or toxins. And these toxins can come from the food we eat, the air we breathe, the products we put on our skin, and just the way our body is functioning on a day to day basis. So detoxification happens mainly in the liver, which is like the city's waste management center, right? Or liver has two main jobs in detoxification, phase one and phase two. Think of phase one as kind of sorting out trash into different bins. So have you ever gone to a waste management kind of field trip, I would go on these field trips with my kids and they take us to the waste management facility. And you would see that as these garbage trucks came in. One of the functions that would happen first is they would separate to make sure is this electronics is this toxic is this plastics and the waste management centers would do a lot of recycling right there so they pull recyclables out of the trash. So let's think about phase one detoxification as your liver using enzymes to separate the trash to break the toxins down into smaller pieces, little bundles, right? So that we the body can understand what to do is what pieces. But once those pieces are broken down, sometimes the pieces themselves can be even more dangerous, like breaking a big piece of glass. So now you've got shards of glass everywhere. And so you break something, the glass shatters, you're gonna go get the broom and a dustpan as quickly as possible before someone steps on it with bare feet and we have a problem. So our body needs to jump in with Phase Two detoxification very quickly. Once phase one detoxification has broken these toxins down into smaller pieces. So phase two detoxification is a process where our liver, the Waste Management Center adds special molecules to these smaller, potentially more dangerous pieces of these toxins. And that's what makes them water soluble. And when they become water soluble, they can be more easily flushed out of the body through urine through bio kind of like how water helps you washing ways soap suds, we clean and we we clear stuff out, we take out the hose we water down, we clean up right so we can flush things out. So what if your body has impaired detoxification has trouble detoxifying? Well, and what can cause that, so there are snips which are single nucleotide polymorphisms. And all that is is a genetic variation on a certain gene. But there are genes that drive this detoxification process. So when you have snips on a gene, the detoxification process might not work, right. Some people have deletions of certain genes that are really important to driving this detoxification process. And so other genes have to kick in to step up the function of different enzymes to compensate for whatever gene you might have a deletion. So it is important, our genetic makeup and a snip, let's just point out is a little different than a mutation. A mutation is a permanent damage that's done to a gene, where as a snip can be turned on and off. Right? A snip is a gene that's functioning in a way that may support your body even better than its normal natural state, or it may cause more damage to the body or crew ate more problems to the body than it would in its normal natural state. So when we have these snips that impact our detoxification, our body can start to struggle to clear out, we can start to build toxins in the body, we can start to build toxins in the liver, we've got these insane diets, we have a major problem in the country and now growing rapidly around the world with non alcoholic fatty liver disease because of so much obesity, and fake food and chemicals and all the stuff that gets stored in the liver. So when that's happening, imagine that that Waste Management Center has non alcoholic fatty liver disease, meaning that your liver is full of fat globules, right? That would be like the Waste Management Center having too many trucks to process. So the trucks are filing in faster than we can unload them get the toxins out, and they just build up in the trash is building up and it's not getting processed. That's kind of what could happen in the liver, depending on how much toxins we put into it. So when we think about our liver managing the metabolic waste that happens in us, that's a job in and of itself, then we think about whatever toxins we might be exposed to which we're all we're not ever going to live a toxic free life in this world, right? So we can reduce it as much as possible. Are we exposed to lots of pollutants? Are we eating food that has fake colors, and fake flavors and fake chemical ingredients and all of that kind of stuff in it, that is going to add to that burden of the liver. And then on top of the metabolic detoxification process, the external detoxification or the external toxins, we're exposing ourselves to stalking stalking, then it's got a genetic snip that undermines its ability to process Yikes, we've got a problem. What could that result in, if you have a problem with detoxifying, and if your system is overloaded with toxins? Well, we experience oxidative stress, which basically means at the most fundamental level, that cells in your body are overwhelmed with toxins, and they cannot take care of them. They can't process them, they can't get rid of them. So the cell gets overwhelmed, and then the cell stops functioning as optimally as it would. What could happen is you might feel tired all the time. If you are struggling to get rid of toxins, you might feel really tired even when you get enough sleep. So if you wake up after eight hours of sleep, and you wake up tired, something's not right. That's not supposed to happen. And it's not just because I know I'm 60 years old, right? So I hear myself say my husband say my friends say Oh, is because I'm getting old. No, no, something's not right. You should have enough energy. If your body is functioning optimally, if you are nourishing it properly. You should have enough energy to wake up and feel good and get through your day. Okay, so think about that. You might feel tired all the time. You might have skin problems. You might have issues like rashes, acne, eczema, because your body's trying to push toxins out through your skin. You might have digestive issues, problems like bloating, constipation, frequent stomach aches, this can happen if your livers overworked and this is something again, that I think we brush off. People get so used to living with physical discomfort, we think it's normal. And I'll hear people say, oh, yeah, I always have gas, or I'm always constipated. Or every time I eat that food I get bloated, was that's your body's trying to tell you something something's going on. You might have mood swings, our gut, the toxins in our body, everything affects our brain, our brain is just another organ in our body. toxins can affect your brain and make you feel anxious or depressed. Or just not like yourself, if you wake up, you're just like, I don't know, I just don't feel like me. Is your body saying I've got a toxic overload?

And if you experience any of these things, what can you do? Do you need to go figure out how to give yourself a coffee enema and coffee enemas have their value? They actually do there is some studies behind them, which this podcast is not about. So I don't mean to make fun of them like that. But I mean, do you have to think of that kind of an extreme? Because to me, that's kind of a little bit of an extreme practice. I mean, takes intention, right? You got to put a lot of effort and a little mindset into doing coffee enemas on yourself. But what if you didn't have to go to that extent? What if you could pay attention to your foods and incorporate some foods that support your body in the detoxification process? What if your body gets more effective at detoxifying? And what can you do? You can start with food and herbs and by herbs, I'm not talking about supplements. I'm talking about real herbs like they come off a plant rosemary, thyme, oregano, right? We can take these herbs and I'll talk about some of them. And we can cook with them and we can put them in our food and we can put them on our salads and they can support our body. So the good news is that there are Lots of foods and herbs that help supplement your body's detox systems. So we're just going to talk about some of the most powerful ones. So phytochemicals are naturally occurring compounds in plants. And they have various health benefits, including supporting detoxification. So let's talk about some of the key phytochemicals in detoxifying foods and how they support the detoxification process. So the first ones I want to talk about are cruciferous vegetables, and that is broccoli brussel sprouts cabbage, cauliflower, kale, bok choy, cruciferous vegetables, these veggies are so good for your liver because they help boost enzymes that are needed for that phase two detoxification process. So imagine if you're one of the people that has a snip in the genes that support phase two detoxification, you're going to need a lot more of these foods in your body. So there is a compound called sulfur fame and sulfur, Fein activates phase two detoxification enzymes. Now, cruciferous vegetables do not have sulfur Fein in them you hear people say that those are so high in sulfur fine in those they are high and two other compounds that when we eat them become sulfur faint, our body makes it into sulfur effect. Our bodies are so fantastic, right? There's all kinds of stuff they do to activate like B 12, we get cyano cobalamin, not inactive or bioavailable form our body changes into methyl cobalamin now we can use it vitamin D we have it maybe activating on our skin our body changes it to make the active form which is more viable bio available so we can use it plays are fascinating, right? So when we eat more cruciferous vegetables, our body can take the compounds in them turn it into sulfur vein. And sulforaphane is an incredibly powerful antioxidant. In fact, it's so powerful that there's a lot of work going into trying to develop a pharmaceutical drug that will act like sulforaphane. So far, nobody's come up with it. But that's how powerful it is. Right? So broccoli is one of the things you hear about all the time how broccoli cruciferous vegetables, I think broccoli is probably eaten more than cabbage or bok choy or Brussels. Brussels sprouts are like a big culinary trend. So maybe brussels sprouts are up there now. But when we think about broccoli, let's think about baby broccoli, broccoli sprouts, so broccoli sprouts have 10 to 100 times more of those precursor compounds that help our body create sulforaphane than mature broccoli florets. Now, the sweet spot in sprouts means that they've been harvested within three to five days. And that seems to be the peak of the phytochemicals that we need. Now, it does not mean that they're older than three to five days, they're not going to benefit you. That's just like that's the peak of it. So if you can incorporate broccoli sprouts, and you just get those over where they sell the fresh herbs at your grocery store, the fresh herbs, maybe they have alfalfa sprouts, I see arugula sprouts, bean sprouts and broccoli sprouts. They look like microgreens little larger than microgreens but they have that same look to them. Get a container and they come in little plastic containers like the little clam shells, open them up, put a handful on your salad, put a handful on your vegetables, eat a handful if you like the taste of them, and get all those good phytonutrients in so that your body can make more sulforaphane. When broccoli is more mature, the florets still have the important precursors to sulforaphane, just not as much as broccoli sprouts. So if you think you have trouble in the detoxification pathway, eat more broccoli sprouts along with eating your servings of broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables. So when our body is making sulfur fame, it increases the sulforaphane increases the production of antioxidants like glutathione. And then that supports the protection of our cells from oxidative stress, which we talked about just a minute ago. So for a faint has very strong anti inflammatory properties, and then that's beneficial for our overall health, especially for conditions related to inflammation. And we know as breast cancer survivors, we want to keep inflammation as low as possible. We want to keep that fire down to a minimum. Another food that's very beneficial in the detoxification process is garlic. And I gotta tell you, it's one of my favorites. I love cooking with garlic. I love using garlic. In fact, there's a story I'll share with you I've thought about for a sec. I hesitated like is this a story I want to share? But yeah, it won't be too gross. So I have an amazing esthetician. She would traveled out of the country recently, and she got a parasite infection during her travels. She was working with her doctor there were some very concerning symptoms that she had. And the doctor wanted to understand run some tests to see what the parasite was so they could decide what antibiotic might treat it. But meanwhile, her doctor fortunately said to her listen, garlic is very Strong and has anti parasitic effects go home and steep some garlic drink the steeping water the water is steeped in and then to the garlic and it will kill parasites. And it did the job she shared the story with me and it's it did the job right. Broccoli is super powerful, it contains sulfur. And sulphur helps your liver produce important detoxification enzymes and is great for your immune system. Another food that is great for supporting detoxification is citrus fruit. Now, we're in the cancer in population. So we want to keep our blood sugar as low as possible. Please don't go out and drink a bunch of glasses of orange juice, because that's going to be full of sugar, especially if you buy orange juice somewhere. So we want to again think about whole foods because whole food is whole, like it's got all of the fiber and it's got all of the nutrients in it that support each other and work together. So let's think about lemons, limes, oranges, and with a caution grapefruit and I say with a caution because grapefruit can interfere with the effectiveness of some cancer medications. I know I'm on one where I cannot have grapefruit. So check with your doctor know your medications, even if you are just attempting this as a whole food, right. So with citrus fruits, not just the juice or juicing them, but think about zesting them as well. scraping the zesting the skins of course use organic fruit when you're doing this that's got the powerful essential oils and um, and benefits of fruit, also the high vitamin C content and other antioxidants that you're going to find in fruits. So we've got vitamin C, we've got flavonoids, they are these pigments. So when we talk about eating a rainbow, all these different colors of food, those pigments are the outcome of certain compounds in the fruit. And the different colors have different antioxidant and anti inflammatory properties. So you know, we don't want to have too much root because we're being mindful of our blood sugar levels. So keeping that in mind, citrus foods do have a detoxification benefit. And you know, when we're even on a ketogenic diet or trying to stay in ketosis, berries are lower in sugar. So I do have berries and I do have pieces of fruit now and then but I'm very careful about watching my blood sugar when I do them to understand how they're impacting me. But anyways, vitamin C will also boost those glutathione levels. And that's really crucial for phase two detoxification. All right, herbs that are helpful Tumeric I know we hear Tumeric all the time, but it really does have some great anti inflammatory properties and helps to support the liver. Again with tumeric. And just like nothing in our body works in a silo, right? There's no vacuum system. It's all integrated all works together. sodas, food, everything that's in the food works together to start things to stop things to make them more bioavailable. Tumeric is more easily used by the body when it's eaten with black pepper. So thinking about when you're cooking with it, putting Tumeric in something, always add a little bit, just a little bit of black pepper in it to make it more bioavailable. There are other greens like dandelion greens, listening about a couple of greens, Burdock. While burdock root, I'm talking about the root, not the green dandelion greens. dandelion root also is very anti inflammatory and help support liver function supports digestion. And you can get that in teas as well. In Ayurveda, the bitter taste is very detoxifying. So think about bitter, let's say dandelion greens, bitter kale, right? All of these green vegetables, they have kind of a bitterness to them. And that bitterness helps to support liver function and support detoxification in the body. Curcumin is that main active compound in tumeric, and it's super powerful anti inflammatory and anti oxidant effects. I know a lot of people like to supplement with curcumin, but I think why not just eat the Tumeric I even buy the Tumeric roots and cut them up and put them in my bone broth. So I get extraction from that and the steeping on that. So let's always try to think of whole food first. Because when you dial in your diet, and you really understand what you're eating and how it's affecting you, then you can see is this working right today? Did you adjust your diet in such a way that works for you? Do you feel better? Do you have more energy? How is your skin looking? How are you feeling overall? If you're still dragging and you're like no for 100% Sure, I made these adjustments. My diet is good. I'm taking in all of these really supportive greens and herbs and I'm doing all the right things and I still don't feel 100% then that's the time to go to a doctor, a naturopathic practitioner, a metabolically trained practitioner and say, Now what do I need more support? Now? Do I need supplements to come in and support and facilitate this because maybe the body still has issues where it's not able to perform at the level that's going to help you feel as good as you want to feel. Okay, so we've got burdock root got dandelion root, got dandelion greens, and you can just get dandelion greens at any grocery store. They are a little bitter. So you take them chop them up, I love to cook my greens, collard greens, dandelion greens, that kind of thing. I'm not a huge fan of kale, but I know it's got a lot of benefits. So chop it up really small, great friend of mine gave me this tip, I didn't know about it, because I wasn't that interested in kale, but I chopped it up really small. And then massage it was salt and olive oil. So that really breaks it up. So it's not as I don't know, like cardboard, ie there's just something I don't like about it. But that really helps to give it a much better texture and it's much more flavorful and easy to eat. I like to use a citrus infused olive oil, I have a lemon one and an orange one. And I love to put the salt on my greens and just massage those greens with that citrus olive oil. Delicious, really great addition to a salad, but also to cook them and just cook them up a little bit lightly. You know, we don't want to cook them to death, cook them lightly and then enjoy. So they're really flavorful that way. But actually dandelion greens are wonderful for that stimulation of bile so they help with bile production. And then that helps the liver to detoxify and digest fats as well. I've already given you a couple of ideas of how to incorporate these foods. Let's just touch on a couple more. I don't know that really people think about adding broccoli to salads. But if you're going to have Rob broccoli or broccoli sprouts, then definitely throw them into their salad raw but with raw broccoli and again can be kind of chewy and stuff so I'd make sure again in chop that really fine. You can chop broccoli florets into just little tiny, tiny particles and then add those into your salads. You can add them into other vegetables to toss them in with other vegetables. So mashed cauliflower is a big deal. And one of my favorite recipes is a garlic chive mashed cauliflower. It's out of one of my favorite keto cookbooks called squeaky clean keto. And I'll post a link to that where you're watching or listening to this podcast. So then you got two benefits right you've got your cruciferous vegetables, and then you've also got your garlic in them. So that's both of those are going to help with detoxification, garlic, use it in everything, put it in soups, put it in stews, put it in stir fries, put it in salad dressings, just chop it up and add it garlic is so powerful and so good for your body. I think a good way to get citrus fruits and they're especially lovely antioxidant properties of their appeals is by testing them and putting that zest into your food, but also by steeping water in them. So getting a pitcher of water, chopping up that citrus fruit, especially with the skins and letting the water absorb some of that goodness from the citrus. Also you can take that zest and put it over salads and toss into salads gives it a nice bright little flavor punch to it Tumeric again, sprinkled on vegetables, put it into soups, there's all there's also a product called golden milk. So this is kind of an Ayurvedic style drink you can buy jars with the ingredients for golden milk already put into them, which is going to be like tumeric and black pepper, just be careful that there's not sugar added to it. Or you can look up recipes for golden milk yourself and make it and Tumeric is a main ingredient in golden milk, then you can put it into your if you're drinking dairy, you can put it into any kind of milk, you can put it into nut milks and get some other health benefits from that. It's a really for me, I find it to be a really cozy like nighttime kind of drink. It's got a lot of flavor, and it's quite yummy. And you can also add Tumeric to salads, just a sprinkle like a quarter teaspoon right or a half a teaspoon and sauteed vegetable dish. Just add a little bit of tumeric and get some of that good benefits in there for you. Okay, so I hope this has helped you get a little better understanding of detoxification, and how to support it with the right foods and herbs. Oh, I love herbs. So what I mentioned in the beginning, think about things like oregano, rosemary, tarragon, basil, all of these herbs are wonderful additions to almost any dish especially to soups and salads, to broths and things of that nature and use those leaves chop up the leaves, they've got those what the essential oils are going to be really heavy in the leaves of these herbs and put them into your food. If you can get used to cooking with fresh herbs, they have so many benefits for you. They are antioxidant, they're anti inflammatory, they're really powerful and can really support you if you're incorporating them on a regular basis. Nothing wrong with a powdered herbs to the spices that we use to cook with but fresh herbs even better. Okay, so you've got an idea of what detoxification means, a very simplistic explanation of the phases of detoxification and why it's important and how and what you might be experiencing in your body if you're not detoxifying effectively. Now, if you want to take a deeper look and you really want to under sand those pathways of detoxification, inflammation and oxidative stress and how your body handles them, and the genetics you have and how they may be predisposing you to one side or the other as far as how effective you're going to be at this process, you can do your 3x, four or nutrition genome report with me. And this is a report that looks at genes that affect your health, but are highly impacted by your lifestyle, diet, exercise, all of the things involved in your lifestyle. And these reports actually tell you in wonderful detail, what foods what herbs, three, export does give supplement recommendations, but what lifestyle practices can help to support you even better, I am a huge fan of that. Because I see the power of it. I know the power of it is powerful for myself and the people, my clients that I do these with. And I will link actually to a video that I recently made that's on my YouTube channel. And I will link to that here in the show notes for this episode. If you're listening this podcast, you can find those at the breast cancer recovery coach.com forward slash 365. Or just look down below where you're listening this podcast, you can click on the link. And I made a video that actually goes through a 3x four genetics report and shows you what a PDF report looks like and how easy it is to understand that how much valuable information you get from it. And then when I do these reviews with my clients, once I get that report, we dig even deeper into the genes that are affecting them. I'm telling you, it's mind boggling. And you know, the 3x four report on its own is 299. And when I think about the amount of money I spent on supplements every month before I knew what my body needed, that was less way less than the amount of money I was spending on supplements every single month. So I think it's totally worth it from a financial standpoint, because it will save you money. I think it's worth it from a peace of mind standpoint, because you know what your body needs, and you don't have to guess about it anymore. And you don't have to be confused and overwhelmed about all of the nutrition advice out in the world. So if you want to take a deeper dive into that, look into doing this re explore for yourself, they do take HS H S A and F S A card. So that's a card that you get, you'll know what it is if you have that benefit through your employer, you know what it is, and they do use those. And I even think that they have they use Clarno or afterpay or something when you buy the kit online. And also when you purchase that package through me with the kit and the review, you can make payments on it as well. So try to make it easy for everybody's budget because I do think it's so incredibly valuable. I would love to see everyone literally everyone regardless of whether or not they've ever had cancer or cancer diagnosis, have these reports and understand how their body works in these pathways. So that you can just be much more confident in how you support your body and your health. Anyway, so that's all the details. I hope this has been helpful for you. I hope that some of these tips are helpful in helping you understand how you can get some of these great benefits into your body and not just excuse all the things you feel that you think aren't wonderful on Oh, it's hormones or Oh, it's aging or something like that. Maybe it's detoxification and maybe you need to dig into your body's ability to detoxify a little bit deeper and see if that helps you feel a lot better.


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