#347 Breast Cancer and Surya Brasil Henna - A Non-Toxic Choice for Hair Color

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Is Breast cancer just bad luck?

Here’s what  Breast Cancer UK had to say about that based on a 2015 study published in the Journal of Nature:

“This study confirms what Breast Cancer UK has recognized, that environmental factors such as exposure to toxic chemicals are also key risk factors for certain cancers. It should form part of any cancer prevention strategy.”

Additionally, a Finnish Study published in 2015 found that “…the odds of breast cancer increased by 23% among women who used hair dyes compared to those who did not. In women born before 1950, an increase of 28% was noted.”

So, if you could change one thing to lower your risk of breast cancer, why not start with hair color?

In this week’s Tuesday Terrain Talk, I invited the founder of Surya Brasil Henna, (my personal hair color choice) to share her insights on a product that creates beautiful color and nourishes your hair without toxic chemicals.

Listen now and learn the truth about henna products that won’t burn your hair off, cover grey, treat scalp issues, and are easy and affordable.


Referred to in this episode:

Work with Laura

90 Days of Wellness

Surya Brasil Products

More about Clelia

Surya Brasil Henna website

Surya Brasil on Amazon

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You're listening to better than before breast cancer with the breast cancer recovery coach. I'm your host, Laura Lummer. I'm a certified life coach, and I'm a breast cancer thriver. In this podcast, I will give you the skills and the insights and the tools to move past the emotional and physical trauma of a breast cancer diagnosis. If you're looking for a way to create a life that's even better than before breast cancer, you've come to the right place. Let's get started. Hello, hello, my beautiful friends. Welcome to Episode 347 have better than before breast cancer. I am excited to bring you this episode today. Because this is our Tuesday terrain talk. And when you go through breast cancer treatment, something very important to us ladies gets affected big time, our hair and anyone who's never lost their hair, I don't want to hear your thoughts on it's only here, because I've lost my hair. And it's not only hair, there's a lot of thoughts attached to it. There's a lot of meaning attached to it or self image, the way we present ourselves in the world the way we want to be viewed in the world. A lot of that involves our hair, right? It's important to us, we like ourselves to look the way we want to look. So then we go through breast cancer treatment. Let's say you go through chemotherapy, you lose your hair, you go into menopause, your hair grows back looks totally different. And now you're also thinking like, Well, what do I do, because I don't want to put toxic chemicals on my body. I want to lower the toxic burden, that really important metabolic bucket of toxic burden, which is so high in so many people that I work with. So how do we do that. And then we think it's overwhelming, then we look at natural products, and they may be more costly than more popular commercial products. We invest in a few of them, they don't work, then we're disappointed then we go back to something else. Because ultimately, we want what we want. And we want to look how we want to look. So I went through this when my hair grew back. It was very whitish, like a whitish gray color after when I had lost my hair in 2011. And it didn't feel right to me. You know, I was kind of hoping like I see these ladies out there. In fact, I have a sister in law. And she's just got this thick, curly, gorgeous, naturally silver gray hair like model hair, right? It's absolutely stunning. That is not what my hair looks like, right? So I didn't feel comfortable with it. And I like dark hair on me. And so I wanted my hair dark. Well, I used a product, I use different henna products at the time. And I made sure that they were good quality. But I found that they took a lot of work. The henna product that I used was a solid henna, but it was important because it didn't have any metals or toxicity, right. So it came in a solid form had lots of cocoa butter and stuff. And it was really quite wonderful, but a lot of work. And it had to sit on my hair for over three hours and it was quite messy. And then one day I came across this product called Surya Brasil henna. And it was in a cream form. It was already liquid. And so I could just take it without any preparation and just put it on my hair. And I was hesitant at first because I think many times when we find a product that we like we want to stick with it. But I thought I'm gonna give it a try. I tried it. I absolutely loved it. Absolutely loved it. Loved what it did to my hair. Now one of my sisters is a hairdresser. And you may have heard from your hairdressers, oh my god, don't use henna. Don't put henna on your hair. Because if you put henna on your hair, and then in the future, you use any kind of chemical treatment like regular conventional hair treatment, it's gonna fry your hair, your hair will literally go up in smoke is what you hear. And that's not necessarily untrue. You're gonna hear about that, in this episode today. The reason why that happens, and the reason why I can swear to this product not having that effect because I've used it and then one time I wanted to chemical treatment on my hair after having used it for a while. And so I actually called the company this is years ago now and called the company and said can I put this chemical treatment on my hair? And they assured me that I could and I did and it was fine. It was totally safe. My hair did not go up in flames. Thank God we tested it first though, believe me. We took a little test sample. But I love Surya Brasil Hana. I use it all the time. And you know I went back to normal hair color conventional hair color for a while. But then I realize it's like you know this I don't feel good. I have a chemical sensitivity. And when I would use chemical hair colors, I would feel the difference. And I know there's some out there that are less toxic and that type of thing. And that's all fine and wonderful. But for me, and as sensitive as I am to the chemicals, they did not work for me. So I went back to Hannah, and even with the woman who does my hair, I said, Hey, can I bring my hand up with me? So you could apply it for me. So I don't miss spots that are in the bag or anything like that, could you apply it for me, and she was happy to do it, right. So that was kind of cool. So I can get my hair cut, and I could get my color. And I can, you know, have the little social interaction that we like to have when we're getting our hair done, but use the product that I like. So I wanted to bring this to your attention, I want to talk about hair color. And so I invited the owner and founder of Surya Brasil Hana, to talk with you today about henna about this particular hen on how she created it, why she created it, what the company philosophy is around it, how you use it on your hair, what it can do for your hair. And who can use it, who's it good for? What does it work for and what shade because I think a lot of times people hear henna, and if they do want to use it, they think it makes your hair red. Well, I use henna and I do have red highlights, but I've always had red highlights my grandpa was a redhead. And I want you to understand there is a super safe, natural product that is not only effective, meaning that it gives you lovely color. But it doesn't have any hormone disruptors in it, it doesn't have any toxic ammonia in it. And it actually makes your hair healthier, it literally makes your hair feel better. It's very conditioning is very nourishing. And I want you to know more about it so that you know you have an option. Right. So you don't think that you don't have any options that it's either no hair color at all, or toxic hair color. And maybe you want to land somewhere in between. And if you want to do no hair color at all, more power to there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. But if you're not comfortable with it, and you want an option that is really safe for you to use, you are going to want to listen to this episode. Now. Clelia is an amazing woman. She's just like, I just love listening to her. You know, I think that years ago, my first husband, his grandma, her name was Fortuna. And listening to her was almost like her voice was harmonious like a singsong voice right. And I just, it was very loving, and I just adored her. And that's the same vibe that I get from Clelia. And I just love her so much. So I'm so happy to be able to introduce you to clearly Cecilia Angulon. And we're going to hear all about this fabulous product, Surya, Brasil Hana, and how it might work for you. So welcome Clelia I'm so happy to have you here today. You are the owner and and visionary behind one of my favorite products that I've been using forever. And so I'm so happy to share your wisdom and share this product with my audience. So thank you so much for being here today.

Thank you. It's my also pleasure, because I always like to share my experience because I see my aging, you have to have some advantage with the age, right? So your experience.

Yeah, but that's so true, right? As we age, and we just keep our world bigger by having more experience. Yeah, I love that. So you know what I'd love to start off with just hearing your story like that you created this wonderful product. And your website is amazing. And it goes into like, the Ayurvedic ideas behind it and everything about why it's so wonderful, but what led you to this path? Why out of anything did you want to create? I know, what appealed to you about that? Yeah,

actually, you know, I had this wish, I mean, this desire to be in India and to be a business woman since I was eight years old. And I complete both because, you know, I'm in business, I don't know how to do anything else. And I've been doing there 43 times. And I was really fascinated for you know, for the culture for Ayurvedic wisdom. Because my father family, they had a lot of issues with the health, you know, diabetes, hurt, blah, blah. I mean, many bloggers and he started researching how to change it, you know, this kind of Leslie why all our families having some disease. So he started and then I continue, I continue research. You know, I went to microbiome So I went to no oil, I went to visit area and then I finalized with the vegan and organic. So I had no Yeah. And I be researching about health since I was 18 years old. Yeah, and when my mother, she stopped falling a lot of hair, because she was using the conventional hair dye. And she really, she had like a rolls on her head. And I said, No, I don't want to lose my hair, and I want my mother to stop to lose their hair. And then we start to research and trying to get something natural, but also that is practical, that is easy to apply. You know, because you know, you don't have time sometimes to prepare the powder, although I use the powder, prepare the powder, then sometimes, you know, depend on the hair type, you have to leave it for two hours or one hour. So we create something practical, and natural, that doesn't damage your hair and doesn't matter. It doesn't matter your health, it doesn't damage the health of the planet. Because I believe that we are all connect whatever I do bad or good to another person or to another living, it will come to me because of the connection. That's what I believe. You know, I mean, does that mean is right or not. But I'm just sharing what I believe. I

love it. I love it. And, you know, this is a great point. So you said you didn't want to watch your mom lose her hair, you certainly didn't want to lose your hair. And in my audience, one as we go through chemotherapy, obviously we lose our hair. But it's in getting our hair back, I found that the first time I went through chemotherapy, I was really nervous because we want to be safe, right? We know that toxicity is a big contributing factor to cancer to breast cancer. And I had for years. So I have a sister who's a hairdresser. And for years, I would get my hair colored and I would feel sick, you know, and she would color my hair. And I'd say I feel like I have like a cold sweat. And I just feel I get headache. I feel weird after I had the hair color on. But I wanted my hair colored. But so after breast cancer, my hairs are going back. And it was very white, very thin. And I have thin hair. So it was very white and thin. So I felt like I still look bald, like you could see through my hair. But I was nervous about using chemical hair dye because I wanted to lessen my toxic burden. So like what you said, I found a henna that was hard. And you'd have to prepare it and melt it and all that stuff and leave it on my hair for like three hours. And it was a big mess. So when I found your product, I was like what? It's a liquid henna and I can actually use it and it's easy, and it doesn't have chemicals in it. And I was so excited. But I think that no, I know that with traditional hairdressers, they're very afraid of henna, right? When they often say to people don't use Hana or if you use Hana, you can't use another chemical treatment down the road if you change your mind because your hair will just fry and fall off. But that's not the truth with your product right?

No actually is a plant that has been using for 5000 years in India. Right? The problem is when the some people you know to get I mean darker color, or I know to reduce hair now whatever it is some companies, they do make speedy, they do makes lead, right but slow is very important. Very important. This is something that I am very particular about. I always read the ingredient, whatever I buy, food was magics laundry, whatever I buy, I read the ingredients, and not only I read the ingredients, I research about the company that's manufacturing us, because you see for soda firstly is the quality. Second is the broth. And it's so funny, that broth always came to suya organically, you know, we open Soria in 9095 99 seven we were in United States. And also funny because we went to too few shops. I said okay, it was a nice joke. And I went back to Brazil. And then the shopkeepers don't come Alinea said, Are you crazy? Are you responsible? Do you cure Brazil? My customers, they are shouting because they want the product. I said, Oh my god, now I'm in trouble. So I moved to United States. And I opened my company, you know, some, so 99 Seven, I was forced to open a company because of the consumer. So from the beginning, you know, in Brazil, five years later, we went to Japan organically, they came to us. And we've been really selling organically for 29 years. Now, that is the moment that people are really getting aware. So we are going to work more to explain, you know, how important is to have a clean beauty will yet truly we now made research, and we banned 2600 toxic ingredients from our formulations, yet we are going to research more, because our goal is to be truly clean. So when

people use other Hannah's and the story of if you use henna and then use a chemical product, your hair will burn. Is that because other people use lead in their henna? Yes, that's why that that's why that happens.

Yeah, if you if you There was even one man or one supplier in India, that said, Oh, I can get you black hair. And I said really? He said yes is 90% natural, I said wonderful. Can you tell me what do you are there was the HANA PPD?

And explain to me what PPD is what is that? BPD

actually is a kind of chemical damage. But BPD is battlefield. Amina is like

a dye. And that's a very common ingredient, especially in black hair color. Is that right? Definitely.

If you if you see, let's say like semi permanent color, right? They most of them, they have BPD. And also what they do, they say oh, no ammonia, or I'm have very happy no ammonia. But when you go to the ingredients that because I'm saying it's very, very important to read and to research. Google says everything. Right? Google does everything. Yeah, yeah. So if you go to Google, you see that what I'm saying is what you know, is it so they say no ammonia, but they have the byproduct of ammonia. That is it alone. Amina. Get alone, Amina and three ethylone Amina, these three you can find in semi permanent headquarters. And if you see the Google, they are more dangerous and cancellations than ammonia itself. So well, ammonia, that's what I'm saying. Even Surya go and see the ingredients, whatever you buy, doesn't matter. Whatever you buy, researched ingredients, research the company because the ban of the company or how big they are. Profit is the first to first well

I know from my personal experience that I have used your product and then over the years and then gone back and had my hair colored with chemical dyes and my hair didn't burn or fry off. So I know for sure it's safe. And then after I did I was like why did I do that again and I always went back to henna. But could you explain to everyone what is the difference? How does handle work differently than conventional hair dye?

Conventional hair dye they have many toxic ingredients like ammonia peroxide, PPD EDTA Oh, this one very important thing. The synthetic fragrance This is a very fragrance. Yeah, because this gives a disturbing disturbance in the era hormones. So my just writer yeah I don't use any perfume. You know I I use only these natural fragrance like essential oils.

What is the difference? Like does henna stain the hair versus hair dye like opens the hair? What's the reaction? Yeah,

you'll you'll have a cuticle right in your hair. So the conventional hair color, right? They open the cuticle and they destroy your hair. Your hair finished. Right so Yes and dance for the caller to goes out you have to cut it off. Yes. Okay. But wizards Surya henna creamy, it doesn't open the optical doesn't destroy your cuticle, it works as a deposition that you know, that's because the first time I applied my hairdresser, my headcollar United States it didn't cover my gray hair why we apply, okay and then he called me it because that's what you're doing their manager calls you apply and you call and pushing all the hair color up to the end of the hair right but if you do it with Surya it will make because works as a deposition. So you deposit on the hair, you get the color, and after 10 nauseous goes away. This is the way it works. Now I see Suhaila has a lot of you say compatibility with the hand energy play ability because the sooner you ever enter another Brazilian Airbus also so also helps to nourish your hair helps to shine your hair. You know what I mean? So is a deposition the difference? The sodium deposition and traditional hair color. They really open the cuticles and finish with the Yo yo yo with me now it's a deposition. Deposition works as a deposition.

Yeah, and I noticed something also. So I use a mix. I've mixed chocolate and black together from my hair because I like a dark dark brown. And then also get you know some a little bit of the red highlights from the HANA, which I love. But what I also noticed is that with as my hair grows out, when I use henna, it doesn't get that distinct line that people get when they use a chemical hair color. Right? Is it because henna just kind of fades a little bit. So even if you have gray hair, you don't get a line or streak of gray hair, right as your hair grows out.

Exactly, because it fades Now anytime you wash, it fades away. So

on your website, you have this amazing list of all these chemicals that you don't use, or those chemicals common in conventional hair products. All of those toxic chemicals are they commonly used? Yeah,

they're commonly used, like I said about EDTA for our grounds, there is another problem about the conventional hair dyes also, when you are applying it, you know the ammonia, the peroxide, whatever PPD, you breathe, you breathe and goes your lungs, you know, and you know, another very important thing they had is a very important place a member of your bod. Right? Yeah, because on your scalp you have your brain. Right brain. Yeah. And not only your brain, you have your five senses, eyes, ears, nose, and mouth. And whatever you're blind in your head goes to your scalp and going to the scalp. We have bars, most your rain, you know supposed to rain and goes to your lungs and because you breathe it you smell it?

Yeah, yeah. very toxic.

I tell you, I am very, very much careful about my health. Because I know they say and I believe one doctor shortbreads allopathic and I read a doctor. Yeah, he said that illness and aging is not normal is a mistake of lifestyle. And I can tell you that I played with my grandchildren. I do surfing, I started surfing two years ago. Two years ago. You know, life is beautiful. Why to damage your eye? Why? Why Why not to take care Life is beautiful. And it's so easy. You know, you just have to look at ingredients, whatever you buy, and blast also the companies.

Yeah, because you want to align with the company's values, right? Yeah, and taking care of the environment. And we look at toxic burden isn't only what we're putting on ourselves, but what is around us. So if companies are doing things creating more toxins, then that's definitely something we'd rather not support right. Exactly

goes to the water, you know, damage damage. Like I say, whatever you do is inter painted connection. It goes and goes and come you know, yes. So our mother is the nature so you have to look after because she cubes and also feed us she feed and cura. So we don't hear us. I

love it that we don't want to damage the mother, we want to honor the mother for sure. How many of you like the difference when I use henna on my hair? It's makes my hair feels so good. It's so conditioning and like you said it's nourishing? What are some of the things in Surya Hannah that nourish the hair? What are some of the ingredients that nourish the hair? Yeah,

we have Rayleigh and plasma, many have we have a 50 hairbows actual altogether. And most of that also comes from Amazon. We use a lot of the biomass of Brazil. Like we have very different biomes you know, and we try to use all according to the necessity if is to make your hair soft is to make your head strong. Yeah, you know, all depends for what the proposal but we use a lot of airboats especially from Brazil, and India. Awesome.

Wow. So with HANA I think it's a lot of people think of HANA as making your hair red. Right because it's got it's got a natural red tint that you your line of Hannah's even includes blonde and it goes from blonde all the way to black with all these colors in between. If someone is blonde or if someone is completely gray or white or silver haired, and they use your henna, will a blonde person's hair turn red or will it stay blonde?

It will say broad depends which color you use. You know make sure all some time my style is that she she makes the black with blonde I mean you have it you can create the colors you can create happen

if you mix black with blonde what happens is it just more shine what happens

not always done machina you break the yellow becomes more like golden no no Mike more like ash or blush.

You understand so fascinating.

No no. We are going to down to now all these mixtures in the website Yeah, you have 300 mixtures

and they're listed on your website 300 mixtures

vary so you're going to vary okay make sure you can do and there is one good thing about let's say you did any chemical treatment you can apply immediately after or before or after this ID many times you know to show hairdresser in this is completely safe for chemical treatment. Yes,

and I can testify to that because I have done it and also what I've done is use extensions to make my hair thicker and the handle works beautifully on the extensions as well. And so no no damage to that no kind of weird funky effects but it works beautifully. Yeah, exactly.

He's very good for curly hair. I tell you why. Because the cow cousins they have c hair like I have you have but the curly hair you know the African hair is like a Caucasian they are very delegate delicate yellow Yeah, so we do recommend I mean we do sell good in Africa because of these because the curly haired India Africa hand is very dedicated. And with this Surya, Brazil and agreement you don't damage the opposite to you.

Wonderful. Yeah, not harsh chemicals. So that's really important to know. So it's really good for people of color for their hair. Awesome. Yeah,

that's beautiful. For all so yes, for all it

is for all Yeah, and I was really impressed with that when I saw blonde henna. I was like what? Because I know so many people who have blonde hair who are like well I don't want to be gray yet, but I don't want to use chemicals. So what could I do? And when

we have to kind of well Hannah that's a powder and 100% vegetable. Your Dannic right, Hannah creamy. We do add some dice but very soft the dice to give it these different colors. Okay, but it's very soft to dice and there is no no as I say ammonia or byproducts, no PPD, no EDTA nothing.

Okay, and no I've never seen I've never seen those Surya powder because I always use this are you cream Do you sell the powder also?

Yeah, we we are having now we are having now United States. Very soon we are going to, I mean, I have already on our website, but very soon you're going to see the market. Okay,

yeah. And then so people understand how henna works, especially the cream. So the cream is already in a liquid form, which is wonderful. So it's not a solid henna that you have to prepare. And then what's your recommendation for the time? Because it takes How much time do you recommend that people leave their hand on their hair for good color? Especially color and gray hair?

Okay, you ban the minimum 60 minutes? Yeah, but like my head, my head, you serve them in scholars because very soon, but if you have a sick hair, like the Asian people, they have a very very strongest sick hair. So they I recommend like one hour and a half to two hours. Yes, but do you have a seat head on normal hair? Six minutes maximum one hour

maximum maximum one hour? Yeah. Does it make a difference in the color if you put the handle on and then cover because like I always put a shower cap on mine? Does it make a difference in the shade? If you cover it versus if you don't cover it?

He does he does bouquet sorry I love it. It makes a difference because the heater helps you know the color to to fix more to

to stick more to the hair. So so if I cover my hair the heat from my body is helping the color to stick more. Okay, what if like hair dryers like when you get your hair colored at a salon and they put you under a hairdryer? Would you ever recommend people sitting under a hairdryer with henna on for the color to set

you know eat did the silly rate. But I don't recommend that because you put too much heat on your hair. You know, too much. Heat on the hair is no good. Okay. Yeah, you just celebrate the result. Okay,

and does it change the color? Like if I didn't call it cover it? Would it come out with more red shade versus dark shade? If I didn't put a cap on when the henna was on my hair? Would it change the color at all or just how much it saturates? I think it

will not come so strong in the color no maybe strong we can be more soft Yeah. Okay, so I recommend that to use the cup

Yeah, and I love the cat Yeah. Plus it's easy so what I'm in the habit of whatever it is a day where I'm like doing stuff around the house I just put it on I put the cap on take care of everything around the house and then just go shower and wash it all off. Okay. Yeah,

I used to doing the bathroom a hotel

Yeah, I did before I did that before because I didn't have time to do my hair and I was traveling and so I just took and so you could travel with it because I did put it in my bag in the airport didn't take it from me. So I took it with me and just put it on at the hotel. Yeah, super easy to do. And I love that it's not stinky right it doesn't like you said it doesn't have the fragrance. It's not smelly. Now on your website you talk about how Surya Brasil Hana how it follows your Vedic philosophy. And I think you touched on that a little bit by saying like because I your vet of course is all about connection right and connecting back to the earth and staying natural but how else like what other philosophies from either VEDA do you incorporate into your company and your product

or your life Aveda knowledge? Right. Yeah and I Aveda always live in equilibrium right between my the board and you know and so, I take your VEDA as a guide. Firstly is nature you know I have as I say to respect our Mother Nature, yeah. So I use their their I will say ingredients from nature, respecting nature's using the ingredients without destroying the nature and plants or using the wisdom of Ayurveda, wisdom, yet the ways are your Veda and then I find out as technology because, you know even if you buy a natural product, you buy with one verbose and you have to get the result. So even if I use the best arable, the best known Java if you don't get the result is not us. So we work with these three triangle you know, like nature as the top who commands the higher where there is our guide. And then the technology what makes these things come you know, as a result of is gone through beautiful

What about for people maybe who have scalp issues like psoriasis or dandruff or even just allergies? How would they go about like is it are you Brazil something that might help that or is how they tested?

Yeah, we do have in a henna powder, we have neutral. Henna doesn't give you any color. Because you see what gives the call and the henna is the leaves. Beliefs. Okay, so we visit this strange what you say this trend stem stem? Yeah, we use the stem the STEM at the same qualities but doesn't give color because they don't have the lasagna. You know, the big image?

So we're just conditions is that what it does? Yeah,

so we use these henna powder with another oils and you know all the treatment. So you can do therapy, you know for people that have hell losing hair.

Alopecia psoriasis.

Yeah, yeah, all these things like my son he was having some Gasper or you say cars that dropped? Yes, yeah. Okay, so she was driving and then driving in the beach and he said all I please apply Hannah to me. So in one application, he washed her hair and not anymore dandruff.

So this is your henna powder that's made with the stem, and it's used as a therapy to help heal the scalp? And what is that product called on your website? What would someone look for

is neutral

about neutral henna powder. And now can use be used therapeutically. So if someone let's say they have dandruff and they're they're using the henna powder, can they use the powder and the cream to call your hair at the same time? People

many people they do either one is just for 3d. Another one is to 3d and gallery and make it shine and soft the all these things? What else would

you like people to know about henna because I just think that there's a lot of like, people aren't comfortable with it. They're not familiar with it. I mean, we've talked about the fact that your product specifically maybe not all hennas but your product is safe. It's breathe led, it's free of metals, PPD, all of that stuff that we don't want on our hair. And the company is amazing. I love what your company does in the philosophy that it follows what else would you like people to know?

Yeah, I suggest also to use our hair color fixation. And what is that? Is a shampoo, conditioner and the mask the mask is what we most sell all over the world. The mask I've

never tried it I'm excited okay

to try. This is really really good. And you know also the shampoo I'm not me if I make a mistake, but I think the shampoo is 98% and the condition 99% natural and the mask in it 80 I'm not quite sure but around the between 298 to 99% natural and there is no fragrance and no EDTA all these toxic ingredients and also people that don't want to dye their hair. We have eco silver. Eco silver. Eco silver Yes. For people you know doesn't want to keep it the great yellow. Then we have an echo silver and echo silver we have a beautiful brother. We have a highlight for EQ for gray hair people of course mutual but as a mix of oils inside of olive oil and seminar, resilient oils and you know, gray hair comes get sukham dry rice, not shine these. So eco silverline also is very good for people who decided not to cover degree.

Okay, so they want natural gray but it will condition and kind of give liveliness back to their hair. That's good to know. And so the shampoo, conditioner and mask is that all available on your website also Yes,

yes, the echo silver also is available. And the henna powder too is available in our website. Okay,

that's awesome. Yeah. So you can do the whole hair therapy with natural products take care of your hair condition it. No endocrine disruptors, no fragrances, no chemicals, or their sulfates in the shampoo. Is it does it FOMO? No. So

it seems among all of these 2600 toxic ingredients that they have taken out, sulfate is one. We don't have sulfate in the hand agreement. We don't have sulfate in the shampoo. I mean, sulfate is something that we really burn.

Awesome. That's so good to know. Yeah. Well, I really wanted to just bring more awareness to your product. Because I think, well, I know that there's so much fear around using hair dye. But there's also so much fear around. Is henna safe? Will Hannah ruin my hair. I mean, just recently, I told a friend of mine who's a hairdresser, because she was commenting on my hair color. And I said, Yeah, you saw you in Brazil henna. And she's like, Oh, my God, you can never put a chemical on your hair, you will literally fry your hair. And I said, No, I won't, because I've done it before. And there's no heavy metals in this henna. So I love that. You made that really important point. There's a difference between products. Right? So those headers that have that reputation for burning people's hair are not the kind of product we want to be using. No,

no, no and not only Surya not only Hina anything you buy, research about the ingredients. For the or, as I told you cosmetic is lounge, even close. You know, it's such

an important thing, lowering our toxic burden is so important. But here's the thing. I think a lot of times when we're looking for products that are less toxic or non toxic, they don't work. Right. And so people get turned off to it because they have a hard time spending a lot of money trying to find a good natural product. And then they get disappointed because one after the other doesn't work. But I know personally that yours does work because I've used it for years. And so I think it's important for people to know like you can use a safe hair color. It's a beautiful shades of color makes her feel good. And you're not getting any endocrine disruptors, any of the heavy metals, any of the toxicity. And so it's another easy way to reduce toxins and lower our risk of future cancers.

exact, exact and enjoy life. This is the best, you know, when you are healthy you enjoy life. We have you know, you can do anything.

100% That is so true. You know, we hear people say your health is everything. But when you especially you have a cancer diagnosis, and you realize oh yeah, that's very true. Your health is everything. Without it. It's really hard to have a good quality of life. money

you can make any day. I mean, whatever you do, you can wash clothes, you can wash the floor, you can make money and your whatever you can. But without health, you can't even you know, you can't even make a penny, you got to enjoy life, we can't join your family. I mean the biggest patrimony of one person has is the health. You can go against when you're very close and you can make. But it's

nice to know that you've created something where we can not only support our health, but look beautiful the way we want to look and and support our health at the same time. Yeah, that's a good thing to know. It's really been a pleasure talking with you. It's just I love meeting you. Thank you so much for making the time to come on and share this information. And I will put all the links to your website and to your products and, and everything so people can learn more about Surya and use it more. And yeah, and I know that people will love it. So thank you so much. Thank

you I really, really happy. And it was a very big pleasure to talk to you and to, you know to talk to everybody that's listening to us. All right, I

hope you enjoyed that and got some good information out of it. I love her beautiful accent and love her beautiful energy and her vision and the whole connection. You know, this is what I love so much the first time that I learned about Ayurveda, which was when I was doing my yoga teacher training and I went to a workshop and someone introduced Ayurveda was a workshop on Iron Veda and how it was a part of and is a part of yoga and yogic philosophy. And I literally fell in love with it that same day I went home that night and I found an Ayurveda college and I enrolled and it's just just such a harmonious, beautiful way of existing, I've seen that connection to the earth and our bodies and each other, nourishing it, respecting it, honoring it. And so much good comes from that. So clearly and I had a little conversation after we recorded the podcast. And she shared some really exciting information from me that she has actually created a skincare line using henna formulations, which doesn't color your skin, but it's to nourish your skin, moisturize your skin, and she's using all kinds of herbals in it. And I'm so excited. So she's telling me that that should be available in the United States in about three months time. So look forward to hearing more from Twilio. Because when that skin line does come out, I'm definitely going to check it out. And I'll have her come on and talk more about it. Because it's so crazy how unregulated the cosmetic industry is. And some of the most toxic chemicals that we can use on our body come in the form of makeup, skincare, hair care, body care. So when we think about the toxic burden, reducing it, so many people think about, you know, food or environment or dry cleaning, or you know, whatever garments and all the things, and yet what we put on ourselves every single day, makes up a majority of that toxic burden. Like if we could just do things that reduce it, that reduce that burden from what we do every day. And also find products that that perform well for us, right, we talked about that in this episode. It's so important. If you're going to spend your money, you want something that's going to work, you want it to be effective, you want it to look good, you want it to have the result that you're after. And again, I would never recommend a product that I haven't personally used and loved. I absolutely love Surya Brasil henna, I have used it for many, many years. And you heard on the show with what I mix it with. So I'm super excited to see them come out with the color mixing chart to see 300 different combinations of how you can mix these hundreds for different hair colors. So I'm excited. I'll be watching her website for that. So if you're interested in trying Surya, Brazil, Hannah, just look below or listening to this podcast or watching it on YouTube, I will link to it. I will also link to it in the show notes for this episode, which you can find at the breast cancer recovery coach.com forward slash 347. And if you want to dive even deeper into supporting your wellness, come and join me in either my 90 days of wellness, which is a wonderful way to start just kind of stepping into understanding a heart centered approach, which means approaching health from self love, not from deprivation, discipline, shame, all of that other shit that we turn to when we want to get well healthy fit whatever. 90 days of wellness is a very heart centered program. And then we can move on to You're the queen of all things but full metabolic health coaching, which is taking all of your labs, your genetics, your lifestyle, everything into consideration, and mixing that together with private coaching and group coaching and everything you can imagine to support yourself in what can be a very challenging journey, right? It's not easy to make lifestyle changes. It's not easy to sustain them. And it's okay to say that out loud. That's why getting support in making those changes small steps at a time. One thing at a time, like really seriously, you may be able to identify 100 Things you want to change in your life, there's impossible to change them all at the same time. So what's one thing that could have a lot of impact. And when you're looking at metabolic health, at metabolic health coaching, which just basically means what is metabolic health coaching, it just means the approach to your body as a whole, right? Making your body as healthy as it can be from the inside out, right supporting all of the tissues of your body, but also supporting your mental emotional health along with your physical health. That is what improves your metabolic health. This just means everything right metabolism is all the functions in your body that keep you going and keep you alive. And metabolic health coaching is just addressing all of that that's available to you also on my website, the breast cancer recovery coach.com Chat coaching and programs are coming join me in the better than before breast cancer life coaching membership where it's literally everything. Everything I've ever created is available to you inside that membership along with monthly group calls and private coaching along with discounts on private one on one sessions, so it's everything you could possibly need. Alright friends, I hope you try henna and I hope you'll let me know so Find me on Facebook or Instagram as the breast cancer recovery coach subscribe to my YouTube channel and let me know if you tried it what you think all right I'll talk to you again soon take care



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