#322 How to Manage Oxalates After Breast Cancer

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What to eat after a breast cancer diagnosis can be a major source of anxiety and even guilt.

Add on to that the scare tactics that many companies use to draw you in and you can end up with a lot of food fear.

One element found in plant foods is called oxalates, and these plant compounds are often hyped up to be dangerous for consumption.

In this episode I will give you the down low on oxalates so you can understand how they work, what they do in your body, how to manage them and more importantly, how to continue to create, consume, and enjoy a healthy balanced diet without fear.

Listen now and letโ€™s step into more confidence when it comes to feeding your body well.

Referred to in this episode:

Understanding and Managing Oxalates Free Download

Work with Laura

Effect of Cooking on Oxalate Content of Foods. https://www.scirp.org/reference/referencespapers?referenceid=1280673

J Agric Food Chem 2005 Apr 20;53(8):3027-30. doi: 10.1021/jf048128d https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15826055/

Department of Family and Consumer Sciences (Nutrition), Department 3354, University of Wyoming, 1000 East University Avenue, Laramie, Wyoming 82071, USA.



Read the full transcript
You're listening to better than before breast cancer with the breast cancer recovery coach. I'm your host, Laura Lummer. I'm a certified life coach, and I'm a breast cancer thriver. In this podcast, I will give you the skills and the insights and the tools to move past the emotional and physical trauma of a breast cancer diagnosis. If you're looking for a way to create a life, that's even better than before breast cancer, you've come to the right place. Let's get started. Hello, friends, you're listening to Episode 322. And I'm your host, Laura Lummer. And this is our Tuesday terrain talk, which is one of my favorite things to do. I have a lot of favorite things in my business. Actually, I love what I do. But I love talking about how we do the things to support the health of our body. And most of our minds go straight to food when we think about that. And that's okay, because foods an important part of our life. And I really don't like the fact that we've complicated food so much, you know, food, diet, diet resources, it's a billion dollar industry. And a lot of that industry is driven by fear and shame. And I think that's really unfortunate. Because to me, food should be simple, and delicious, and enjoyable, and beautiful. But it's been it's become this overwhelming, confusing thing because science has gotten involved in it, which is cool, because I love the science behind nutrition. But at the same time while I think it's cool. Science also looks at things in silos and separates things out. And then people who are selling diet programs and nutrition programs. It's a big, noisy world of people who are marketing these products, some are great and super helpful. I'm not bashing any of them. But in a noisy online world was a lot of people promoting these things. One of the things that they use to get attention is to create fear, right to bring out certain aspects of diet and nutrition, that create fear so that when people read something, and they think, oh, that's scary, then they click on it, right. And it's just a part of marketing. It's part of psychology, it's how people's minds work. And I get that. I like to hope being an online entrepreneur myself that I don't use fear to get people to click, I hope that I use empathy and, and connection and education and information. Because I think that the best antidote to fear is inflammation. And today, I want to talk about something that is used really, it's one of those fear tactic, it's one of those things that is looked at in a silo. And I don't think it should be. And I want to tell you the whole story about this, because I think when you have the whole story, you can make better choices for yourself. All right. Today, we're going to talk about something called oxalates. And we're going to talk about them because I have been getting a lot of questions about oxalates lately. And if I get 567 People ask me a question about it. I know there's a lot more of you out there who are seeing it or wondering about it or avoiding it because it sounds scary. Okay. So I want to talk to you about it. So you have information on what this is. And you understand the truth of it. Because one of the other philosophies that I don't agree with when it comes to food is extremism. Now, you might be saying you're following a ketogenic diet, isn't that extreme? I am my own population, right. I am my own clinical study, and I am in an active disease process. And so would I choose to do the things I do if I didn't have an active cantering process in my body? Probably not as strict as I do, because what I do sometimes is challenging and it takes a lot of energy and effort. But I do it for a specific therapeutic reason. Okay. But I don't overall believe in extremism. Even though I've played with extremism. I've been a vegan at times in my life, I've never gone as far as being just a carnivore and just eating nothing but meat, you know, but I just think that when it comes to diet again, it should be lovely, we should have a wonderful healthy relationship with food. Because food is this connection between us and the planet we live on. The planet we live on produces food for us, and the more we can be connected to that food and the animals that use that food for them to grow into healthy states and be nourishing for us then, the more connected we are with our bio rhythms, our circadian rhythms, the seasons, everything in the world. So I look at food as a beautiful thing. I love to cook I love to touch food. I love the colors of food. And I just enjoy everything about it really even eating it. So I want to talk about and when we talk about colors and textures, something that pops into my mind is vegetables. I love to cook vegetables because they're so beautiful. And there's so many combinations of them. And some time ago, I posted something on Facebook, it's probably been several months now. And it was a just a post about eating foods that are cruciferous vegetables because of the benefits we get from cruciferous vegetables. And someone posted this response to that post. I don't remember verbatim what it said, Oh, something like, oh, oxalates you know, it was like a scary face on it.


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