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In this episode you’ll hear from Health and Transformation Coach Karin Del Maestro.

Karin is also the organizer of the Reclaim Your Life After Breast Cancer Summit happening July 9-15 2022.

I invited Karin on to the show to share her insights on self-care and simple ways of reducing the toxic burden in your life.

We also discuss some of the exciting speakers and topics that will be shared during the Reclaim Your Life After Breast Cancer Summit including:

  • Trouble Sleeping?
  • Thriving with Metastatic Breast Cancer
  • Libido & Painful Penetration: What to do and how to recover
  • Motherhood & Fertility After Breast Cancer
  • Be the Quarterback of Your Medical Bills
  • Advancing Breast Cancer Science for Black Women
  • Are you Existing with Breast Implant Illness
  • Surviving to Thriving - Your Mindset Matters!
  • Safe Use of Cannabis for Breast Cancer


Referred to in this episode:

Karin Del Maestro



Read the full transcript below:


Laura Lummer 0:00
You're listening to the breast cancer recovery coach podcast. I'm your host, Laura Lummer. I'm a Certified Life health and nutrition coach, and I'm also a breast cancer thriver. If you're trying to figure out how to move past the trauma and the emotional toll of breast cancer, you've come to the right place. In this podcast, I will give you the tools and the insights to create a life that's even better than before breast cancer. Well, let's get started. Hello, friends, hello, welcome to another episode of the breast cancer recovery coach podcast. This is a super exciting show because we are kicking off the month of July. And I've been telling you for some time now that July is a very special month for me. It is the anniversary month of my original diagnosis. So I'm celebrating another year of life from the first time I heard the words you have breast cancer, and there's gonna be a lot of special things coming your way. One of those special things is the Reclaim Your Life After breast cancer Summit. And I am speaker in the summit along with 20 other speakers who are touching on all kinds of different topics surrounding reclaiming your life after breast cancer. And I'm very excited today to share an interview with the woman who put together this entire summit, which is a huge, huge project in and of itself. I have tremendous respect for her for taking this on. But I'm so excited to give it to you because it brings together just a wealth of information in one spot. And even though we're all coming through breast cancer, we may be years out. So working on life and working on our thoughts and getting things in order the way we want them to be for ourselves. We're all in different places. And so there are a lot of different perspectives in this summit. And I believe there's something in it for everybody. So let me give you a quick introduction to my guest Karen del Maestro, and then we'll jump right into the interview so you can hear all the good stuff. So Karen, after 20 years of working in the health and wellness field, has overcome many traumas she is uniquely qualified to help breast cancer survivors worldwide bounce back after treatment. She combines her extensive knowledge of self care, nutrition, anti inflammatory, living women's hormones, and she infuses her personality, which is great, as she calmly guides you step by step from a place of barely existing towards living your greatest life. As a health and transformation coach Karen specializes in helping women to prioritize taking better care of themselves so that they have more energy to care for the ones they love. So I am going to jump right in and let you listen to Karen. And we're going to talk about not only some of our own personal experiences and more of Karen's background, and what brought her to the place where she put this summit together, but some little tidbits about what you can expect. And I will be posting links where you're listening to this podcast, you can scroll down to the bottom and see links where you can register for free to attend this summit. And to watch all of these interviews, get all the free gifts that the speakers are offering and just get a tremendous amount of value. So without further ado, I want to welcome Karen to the show and hope you enjoy this interview. Welcome, Karen, thank you so much for joining me on the breast cancer recovery coach podcast. How

Speaker 2 3:28
are you? I'm doing great, Laura, thank you so much for having me here. And I know we're gonna have a great time today catching up.

Laura Lummer 3:35
Yes, we definitely are. So I talked a little bit about you through your bio, and about what is coming up. And I just want to really dig in a little more to you and your passions and how you serve our community of breast cancer survivors. And then we'll jump into also like some nifty little tidbits and little nuggets that about what people can look forward to in the summit, because I think it just brings so much value to our community. And I want to make sure I think that there might be a lot of women out there who've never attended a summit and what that actually means right, so we'll get into that Tuesday, everyone gets a better understanding of it. Yeah. So tell me a little bit about you and your work and let's talk about that

Speaker 2 4:19
hit about me. Wow. I mean, I essentially I've been in health and wellness for 20 plus years at this point, first as a personal trainer. So I have a big background in movement, kinesiology, anatomy, things like that. And then after a life altering car accident, which was the first time in my life that I lost everything. My job, my house, my ability to move everything. I say it was the worst and best time of my life. Not unlike at breast cancer journey. And so for me, I learned so many things through there. it through that time and trauma in my life, right that I started to practice. And then you know, we move on to 2018 When I was diagnosed with breast cancer, myself, and no family history of breast cancer, a lot of family history of other cancers, and so they decided to do genetic testing, and then come to find out that I also carried the bracket to genetic mutation. So, you know, that was a lot to like, take in all at once and then finding out that my two adult children also carry the gene.

Laura Lummer 5:39
Is that something that drove you more to be concerned? So I know you focus on a lot of removing toxins from the body, right, and taking the best possible physical care of the body? Do you think that that has, or from where you're coming from, not only does it make you feel better physically, but what are your thoughts on that having an effect on the whole genetic, epigenetic type of thing and supporting your lowering your risk of recovery or recurrence? I should say?

Speaker 2 6:07
Yeah, um, for me, it's one of the big four factors as far as I'm concerned, you know, we know that this is known as an environmental disease, only 15% of diagnoses are due to genetics. So 85% are due to what are known as environmental factors. And for me, that toxin piece along with food along with stress, which I call the Forgotten toxin, and also self care. The big four things for me that I focus on in my health coaching practice, but toxins is a big one, and I think it's often forgotten. And the bracket gene for me does play a role. There is this element for me, that is, this is something I think we all live with cancer, absolutely no in one way or another since from when we are diagnosed, different than living with metastatic and, you know, that's something else again, as you know, but I have this thing that is always going to be there, that's never going to change that increases my risk not only for breast cancer, but melanoma, eye cancer, ovarian cancer, pancreatic cancer. I also did a complete hysterectomy three months after my double mastectomy, okay. Okay. So everything for me is about lowering that risk as much as we can.

Laura Lummer 7:36
Yeah. Well, I think that the toxic burden is a major thing. And like you said, sometimes forgotten. I think that and I've even found with myself, that we'll get a diagnosis or a scare of some kind, and want to be really good, right? And just be like, Oh, God, I'm gonna be really good, because I'm really scared. And then we go along, right? Oh, I'm good. And I've even since my stage four diagnosis, been through these periods, where I'm like, Oh, well, gosh, my tumor markers are great. This tumor disappeared. I'm doing great. Sure. I'll have another Martini. Right. And little by little we go back and we normalize right? And we go back to this normal and we get out of the routine. I think a part of that is the thought that it to live a non toxic life is one impossible, and to requires too much discipline. Right? What do you think about that?

Speaker 2 8:31
Well, I think you know, we could say that about anything right? And first of all, my philosophy is an 8020 lifestyle. Mine is probably realistic, more of a 9010 That's my choice, right? But for me, I never talk about perfection i as far as I'm concerned, we deserve to enjoy our life, whatever that looks like. And so if that means having a little bit of chocolate or that martini or we were talking about hair before dyeing your hair right I mean there's there's so many things right we have to we have the ability to pick and choose what we want to do. What I see is my role is Do you even know where these toxins are hiding? Let's you know yes, we there are so many things that we cannot control. But I truly do believe you combine a learn laundry detergent that is less toxic than the other one that you're already buying regular makeup or shampoo less toxic than one your your you know, so for me, it's about swapping what you're already purchasing something that is cleaner and safer. Anyway, so why not?

Laura Lummer 9:53
I agree. Yeah. And I think that there are just some things that are part of our quality of life like you said like, like makeup I love Have eyeshadow. I'm not going to not wear eyeshadow, people like Laura, you could decrease your risk of cancer or your increase your risk of healing by 5%. If you stopped wearing eyeshadow, I'm like, yeah, no, I'm not doing that. I love eyeshadow. That's me, you know? Right. So I love that philosophy and I share to less is better, right? If we can lighten the burden if our liver has to detox a few less external chemicals and can focus on keeping us healthy, even better.

Speaker 2 10:29
Exactly. And you know, I mean, it's, I like to think of our bodies as a rowboat if we think of a robot, right. And it's got holes in it. And toxins are the is the water that's coming in through the robot. And because so many, so often people say to me, Well, why don't we just detox. So it's just detox, right? But the problem is that detoxing is like bailing out the water in that rowboat. But the

Laura Lummer 10:57
holes have not been plugged. I love that analogy. Yeah.

Speaker 2 11:02
Right. So if we can seal up some of those holes, and then detoxify and detoxifying, by the way, I'm not necessarily talking about a juice cleanse, or something like that. But having an Epsom salt bath at night. That magnesium works, one, it's in the house, throw out toxins from your body, and it feels good. You know, I mean, it can be dry skin brushing, great for lymphedema, then doing that also helps to detoxify, make sure that you're drinking plenty of water. There's so many simple things that we can do that are not as something as strict, as we often think about when we think about detoxing.

Laura Lummer 11:47
Yeah, and I know you have a background in traditional Chinese medicine, I have one in Ayurveda. And this type of thing, right? I'd be younger self massage, dry brushing, there are so many natural, easy things to do. And I love that they aren't part of self care. And they're also a part of just self love and even touching yourself. Getting to know yourself again, touching yourself giving yourself care. Yeah, that is so it's so incredibly important. Absolutely.

Speaker 2 12:16
I have a gratitude practice that I do in the shower every morning. So as I'm literally we're touching our body anyway. Right? But yeah, yeah, as I am showering every day, I am thanking my hands for everything they left and their ability for what they do for me, computer, beautiful, whatever, throughout the day, arms for lifting feet and legs for walking. I give gratitude to every part of my body, carrying me through this breast cancer journey, but letting me be here and, and share hopefully something that helps somebody know. And it is self care. And it is self love. And learning to be okay with touching parts that maybe we're not okay with yet.

Laura Lummer 13:01
Exactly. Such a beautiful practice such a great point. So switching gears for a moment here, I wanted to have you on the podcast so that my audience could hear all the value that's going to be available to them. And I want to know, like what possessed you to take on this tremendous load to bring together all this value so they could hear so many different perspectives. And I know I've seen the names of some of the people I know some of the people are in the summit, I've looked at them up, I've listened to their philosophy. So there's this beautiful range of ideas on how to take care of yourself and love yourself and embrace and engage in life. And I love that there's so many different points of view. So what made you do this to yourself, woman?

Speaker 2 13:48
I guess we could say that maybe this was one of those crazy moments, you know, you know, I mean, to be honest, and just for you guys listening, the summit is called Reclaim Your Life After breast cancer. And Laura is also one of these amazing, fabulous speakers. So, you know, and I'm super grateful to have you there and do this. But, you know, my mission and my purpose and I know it so clearly and feel it in my heart is to serve this breast cancer community. I surely do know that. That's why I've been through everything that I've been through, including that car accident, right that started from scratch, figure it all out. What does it look like? Who am I now all of the big things I got to do a long time ago so that I could keep practicing and practicing so that here I get to implement it and share it right. For me, it was like, How can I help and serve the biggest number of people and one event honestly 1000s of breast cancer survivors Learn something take away something that is going to help them reclaim their life.

Speaker 3 15:04
Right. And so that's that

Speaker 2 15:07
was the intention behind it was was truly how, how do we get to serve on a really big scale? Because we know that there's a lot of you out there

Laura Lummer 15:20
a lot. Yeah. And for anybody who hasn't been to someone tell us a little bit about a summit and how it works and what people can expect and what value they can take away from it.

Speaker 2 15:29
Absolutely. So, summits are run differently, right. So let me explain how this one works. After you sign up for this summit. And when we start and we The interviews are airing between July 9 and the 15th. And you will receive into your inbox, three new interviews every day for seven days, they're pre recorded, you have access to them for 24 hour, there will also be some amazing conversations going on in the Facebook group to kind of highlight and debrief the day speakers. And you know, it's an opportunity to come meet fellow survivors and build that sense of community. And some of the things that we're going to be talking about, you know, you triggered me before when we were talking about touching our breasts and touching our body. And one of our speakers is Erin pious, and she actually teaches massage after breast cancer is specific to breast and chest surgeries. So she, her philosophy is just wonderful about kind of reintroducing this, this new and that to me, right, I no longer have breasts, I'm concave, I had to learn a new anatomy. And I chose to go under reconstruction saying I'm going to try this. And if for some reason it doesn't work, and I wasn't thinking what I was dealing with, I was thinking more infection or something like that. But I said, if something happens, then I'm okay at 56 taking these out of my body, what's known as ex planting. And by the way, we have somebody else in the summit, Robin tout, who's talking about breast implant illness and the symptoms and what to look for and what you what you may be experiencing and thinking it's your medications.

Unknown Speaker 17:34

Speaker 2 17:35
I was told no parents, that's your letrozole. And so, you know, I chose to what's known as x plant, and it's really important that those implants are x planted correctly, to really get the benefit of taking them out of your body. Okay. And so it wasn't a decision that we came to lightly. I mean, my husband and I really talked about it, is it going to affect intimacy? Is it going to affect how he views me? You know, I mean, it's, it's a tough, I mean, going through breast cancer period is tough. And, you know, any kind of reconstruction is difficult. And we're dealing with all of these identity issues, right? It's, absolutely, we look at ourselves. And here, I was about to do something that would make me look even more different. And I am now left, and I'm concave. So I'm not even beautifully flat. Like you see many people, that's not my anatomy. My body is, um, so I lovingly say, now that I have footprints where my breasts once lay my my breastfed slide, because they're, they're intense. And that's just, you know, I heard so many people talk about it, and it wasn't in a loving way. I didn't want to approach my body with something that wasn't with love. Yes, so important. And so I really thought about how do I want to refer to my flat chest? Mm hmm. And so that's what I came up with is footprints where my breasts been slain

Unknown Speaker 19:21
and love it.

Laura Lummer 19:23
Yeah, but But you're right. I mean, coming up choosing, you know, looking at that, and recognizing the words I use towards me to describe me are going to affect the way I feel about me. They're going to affect the way I feel others see me and view me. And it has a huge impact on our self image and our self confidence. So I love that and I think it is so important to be able to look at ourselves and say, How do what words will I use with myself? So they're coming from a place of compassion?

Speaker 2 19:54
Yeah. And that's something actually that quite a few of us speakers talk about is that Coming at that from that cell phone, talking to herself with with compassion versus, you know, I know in one of my interviews with Dr. Christy Hibbert, where we're talking about motherhood, after breast cancer, and we, you know, we were talking about feeling like the body betrayed us.

Laura Lummer 20:20
Something that we very common,

Speaker 2 20:22
very common, very common. And so she and I dove into that she's a clinical psychologist, dear friend of mine, and such a great conversation. She's very real and very raw and very honest, as all of my speakers were about their own experience. You know, we're, we're not sugarcoating things in this

Laura Lummer 20:44
summit. And are all the speakers breast cancer survivors?

Speaker 2 20:47
Not all predominantly they are because I think we bring a different real life experience

Laura Lummer 20:53

Speaker 2 20:55
absolutely. are not. One of the ones that comes to mind is the wonderful, Susannah Kay, who is a professional organizer. Okay, and what I wanted to do as I was pulling everybody together as I wanted real life, things, I wanted to really address the things that I hear every day from the from my breast cancer community, and I'm sure so much of what you're hearing. You know, how many of you struggled with the fact that the laundry was piling up? Well, the papers were piling up, and you were being super hard on yourself, because you didn't have the energy. Or like me, after surgery, I felt like a T Rex. A lot of my breast tissue went under my arms, I had incisions ran to my back. And I was like a T Rex from mine.

Speaker 4 21:50
Yeah. Yeah. True. And so, you know,

Speaker 2 21:55
Suzanne is coming in and giving us I'm not gonna even share the title of her title. But ya know,

Laura Lummer 22:01
we gotta have some secret surprises

Speaker 2 22:05
away. But that's super helpful tips. And this is what I want you to do. I want you to actionable steps. I'm all about being able to take actionable steps, right? Absolutely. Because the reality is, there's enough information out there, we are overloaded with information. And I know for me, when I've got all of this information, and I'm not able to do anything about it, then I have to fight that negative voice in my head that said, Come on,

Laura Lummer 22:33
then you have overwhelm, right? Just like, Oh, what do I do now I'm overwhelmed. So I do nothing. And I feel ashamed that I'm doing nothing.

Speaker 2 22:44
What what you're gonna find with each of our speakers is we are giving you actionable steps. And, and so that's different than maybe other summits that you might go to where you're, you're you've got a lot of medical information coming at you. We aren't really looking at life after treatment, although if you're in it, this is going to help prepare you so don't shy away. actionable things.

Laura Lummer 23:10
I think that is so important. You brought up something a minute ago, and it made me think and you said, you may be thinking that symptoms that may be coming up from a breast implant are a result of medication. And I as I'm sure you do often deal with women who are in pain or suffering from fatigue, or moods and things like that. And think that this has to be a part of it that this is just because of medication. When there's so many things we can do we start with Okay, well, what are you eating? How are you moving? How are you hydrating, right? These are? Can we get this stuff in line? First, as you said the things you have power over the things you can control the day to day things you do? Are you sleeping? Do you have a sleep apnea? Do you have something? And can you get all this together? Now see, if you're having as much pain now see if you're not uncomfortable. And I think when we come out of breast cancer treatment a lot, we think it's got to be about the medication. When really and truly like you were saying removing as much toxins as you can, but doing all the things and ask yourself, Am I doing everything I can to reduce pain, discomfort and fatigue and emotional distress from the outside in as well.

Speaker 2 24:24
Yeah, and we have a speed as sleep expert to oh

Laura Lummer 24:32
it's so important. Sleep is super important. Yeah.

Speaker 2 24:35
crucial. And so you know, she really dives into why we not might not be sleeping well and give some really actionable steps and things that we can do. So we've got we've got somebody else who's talking about the safe use of cannabis and breast cancer. So for people that are in pain that perhaps are trying other things that may be a way to manage Your pain. Again, it's more complicated than you think it's not just use it or don't use it. You really want to listen to this because I was actually really surprised at the information that she shared. And just FYI, I am on letrozole. Mm. And I do minimal joint pain, sleep really well, minimal brain fog. So a lot of the side effects and so Laura and I have those examples. And we're not talking about being perfect.

Laura Lummer 25:37
No, God, no. I wish I want to be perfect. No kidding. I don't even think I want to. Sounds like a lot of work. That were intentional. Yes. And that's the thing. I'm very intentional. I know you are to about what I eat about how much I move about how I am caring for this body to support its ability to heal. Yeah, absolutely.

Speaker 2 26:02
And I'm going to be talking about self care to help get your energy back. So I mean, I'm going to be speaking in there too about that. Because there's so much, you know, but I think when we think about our energy, we automatically go to the physical things. One thing, are you sleeping? Are you drinking enough water? But I think it's often. And I know this is something that you talk about, but it's not always something that the doctors are talking about, right? They're not talking about how stressed Are you? How much pressure are you putting on yourself? are, you know, are you trying to go back to a life that you can't go back to? And that's something that a lot of us talk about in the summit? What to do instead? And really looking forward versus back? You know, but the there's a whole psychological emotional part of that fatigue. Yes, it is not always talked about. So we're talking about that chill.

Laura Lummer 27:08
Excellent. Yeah. emotional toll is real emotions take energy. Managing your mind takes energy processing, trauma takes energy. And you know, I'll hear why am I so tired? I don't know why I'm so tired. And like, we'll sit down and look at what's actually happening in your life and what you're processing and managing and trying to find balance with. And you're absolutely right, people think that that isn't something that they have to factor in. But it's like, you know, the people pick out the President's clothes for a reason. So it's one less thing he has to use is his mental energy on, right?

Speaker 2 27:50
You know, so much of the journey is about, I like to call it lightening the load that we're carrying. Mm hmm. Focus that precious, precious commodity, our energy on the things that are going to impact your health and well being.

Laura Lummer 28:05
Absolutely. And I think that what you've done in bringing so many people together with all these varying perspectives is that when you go to a summit like this, there's so much in it for you, because there's tidbits you can pick up from everybody's something is going to resonate, you're going to hear a new tip, you're going to hear something you think I can incorporate that in my life and make your journey easier on yourself.

Speaker 2 28:29
I mean, it's all the elements, isn't it? And you know, I say the next stage of recovery starts after treatment. And absolutely, yeah, I've also got an intimacy expert Summit. And I know that that's something that is is often another one of those things that isn't talked about that we carry on our own and, and think that there's something may be wrong with us. And I, you know, it's really important for you to know that you're not alone. And this is a really big, big topic within the breast cancer community. And so we're going to be opening the doors there and really talking with my fantast and in Australia, so we get to listen to her lovely accent. Yeah, we're jam packed.

Laura Lummer 29:15
And I love it and the intimacy thing, not just from the change in our breasts that happens, but from the change that occurs from menopause, vaginal dryness, atrophied pain. This is huge. And you're right now and then I'll see people post about it. And one of my groups I was like, sorry to bring this up, but does anybody else we're all seeing many posts where people say cancer, ruin my sex life cancer, ruin my marriage because it ruined my sex life. And it's so important to know that there are things you can do to remedy that and support that. And not just from a physical perspective, but from the way we think about ourselves and our bodies because as most of us know, with women, sex starts between the ears, right?

Speaker 2 30:00
And, you know, one of the nuggets that I learned is that libido, which is, you know, we talk about menopause, and medications and everything, like loss of libido is such a big thing. It's actually in our brain is where that libido comes from that desire to even be intimate. And so there are so many things that can be done and so many issues too. So, you know, often, what I hear a lot, you know, is that, oh, just use some lube or something like, that may not be the best advice, because it depends on what's going on. But, you know, I've got two speakers, one who's an intimacy expert, another one who's speaking from a more personal journey. You know, so it's a big topic. It's one when we talk about reclaiming our life. And really, no matter the age, right, but we have to acknowledge that there are women being diagnosed very young now. But, you know, many of us are still active in our intimacy and everything. And it affects all of that. Yeah. And affects, like you said, their relationship. self confidence. I sensitive, I might even lovable,

Laura Lummer 31:24
yes, absolutely. It breaks my heart when I hear that, and I hear it a lot. Yeah. So important, and I'm so honored to be a part of it, and to have been invited to be a part of it, thank you. And I'm going to post the link where people can go and register now registration is open, there are a couple of ways to participate in it for free and as a VIP experience also, right, so they can go to this link and check out and find a way of participating that works for them. I'm so glad that you came on here. And that you went to all of this work, holy moly, all this work to put something like this together. Because as we talked about before, there are other summits out there. And I've participated in other summits. But to have one that focuses on just breast cancer, like some of them are just health summits and breast cancer is a piece of it. A lot of them. It's about cancer, from a medical perspective, that I really love this very personal, intimate approach to what many of the speakers have been through, and why we do what we do in the world now, which has been our passion because of our experience. And so I just think that there's a really special value in this summit. And I thank you for coming on and talking with me about it. Is there anything else that you want people to know, before we sign off?

Speaker 2 32:45
I think we should let them know what you're talking about on the summit. Laura's going to be sharing about life being better after breast cancer and adopting a mindset of healing and self compassion. And our conversation is one of great beauty and you're going to take a lot away from it. And I'm going to share just one little thing and that we talked about, and it's about learning to love yourself. And we all need to do that.

Laura Lummer 33:19
We absolutely do all need

Speaker 2 33:21
to do that. Because if we want anybody else to love us, we have to love ourselves first.

Laura Lummer 33:26
100% Absolutely.

Speaker 2 33:29
Super excited for everybody to listen to you. The only thing that I will say you may be wondering what's the difference between the free version and the VIP. And we just handled that very quickly so that you're super clear. When you sign up for free, you get access to each day's videos for 24 hours. For VIP, you get lifetime access. So if you know that you're going to struggle to get them, I suggest and it's just $37 before the summit starts. So hop in before it starts because it will be going up. But you get lifetime access to videos audio and the transcripts. Speaker is giving a free gift. There's there's so much value in so many ways that you're gonna come away with your life being changed. And see that's the most in the in a positive incredible way.

Laura Lummer 34:20
Yeah, and that's really great. Because then they can take their time and go back and rewatch and listen. Yeah, yeah. You know, for

Speaker 2 34:27
me, it's, it's and I do that all the time is like I'm watching around listening. And I'm just like, super sad again. Yeah, and so you know, I want to and if somebody is uplifting, and there's a story in there on a day that you're not feeling so good. You go back and you listen to it. Or if you're out for a walk, you put your earbuds in and you listen, I mean, yeah. So I wanted to make it available, you know, for as lifetime access so that you do have that opportunity.

Laura Lummer 34:57
It's awesome. Yeah, I'm so excited. Thank you so much for being my guest here, Karen. And I'm looking forward to hearing so much from this audience about their experience, because I know a lot of people are excited to go to the summit.

Speaker 2 35:12
Amazing. And thank you again, Laura. Thank you for having me and for participating and sharing your beautiful souls. pleasure.

Laura Lummer 35:20
My pleasure. Definitely. Thank you. All right, friends, I hope you are as excited to attend this summit and listen to all of the different speakers and get all the different free gifts of support. As I am, I'm excited to be participating in it and hopefully to reach even more survivors and more lives and have a bigger impact. So you can scroll down where you're listening to this podcast, you'll find the links to register for free for the summit. Or you can just go to my website, the breast cancer recovery, where you will see the link right up at the top of my website to register for the summit. And get it in your calendar and plan on watching the speakers or listening to them throughout the day or at least set aside some time to be able to listen to them. When you have free time each day. I think you'll get a tremendous amount of value. And I'm very, very happy to have had this invitation from Karen to be able to join in I hope you love it. I look forward to hearing what you have to say. So come and find me at the breast cancer recovery coach on Facebook, the breast cancer recovery coach on Instagram and let me know your thoughts. And I'll talk to you again next week. And until then, Please be good to yourself. Take care

Speaker 5 36:31
voices in your head. You've heard your courage to the test laid all your doubts your mind is clearer than before your heart is full and wanting more your futures Give it all you know you've been waiting on



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