The Better Than Before Breast Cancer- Life Coaching Membership and Laura have shared in my journey with cancer.
I have been able to share my breast cancer journey with women that understand what I am going through.
The connections made with these women gave me a place to express my worries, the changes in my body and mind when my loved ones were unsure how to cope with my diagnosis/treatment and I was unsure how to express myself to my loved ones.
The positive feedback from coaching enabled me to find peace with what I am going through and to help understand what my loved ones were going through as well.
During treatment and recovery, you experience emotions you know and those that you didn't know you had.
Working through them with Laura and hearing what the other women are going through keeps you from feeling alone or isolated as you are not in The Better Than Before Breast Cancer- Life Coaching Membership.
I am confident that I would not be in such a positive place in my recovery if I had not joined this group of supportive women.
All of the members have benefited from Laura's knowledgeable leadership as she herself continues to heal from breast cancer.
I encourage you to join this group, as Laura and the rest of us are here for you.
~Petra Fahey