When I was diagnosed with breast cancer in July 2019, I was lost. I read everything I could to be an advocate for my health and make decisions, but I needed more.
I found Laura’s podcast and felt I had a friend in her that totally understood me.
I then joined Facebook just to become a part of the breast cancer recovery group. After that I knew I needed more and joined Revivify.
I am so grateful that I did. I now have a group of women who understand what I have been through and I do not feel I have to filter myself as they truly understand.
Revivify has now given me so many tools to help me live a full life after breast cancer. Through lessons, homework (guidelines of how to put things into practice) and with weekly coaching support it has been the best thing for me. I now have these tools forever and although the course ended, I am still able to have them and keep working on myself and becoming the best me, I can be.
Laura makes you feel you can do anything, and she is there to help you. Laura has taught me so much but learning to be mindful in all things is helping me a ton.
I am learning to deal with my feelings by journaling and seeing what actually serves me.
I know I have a long way to go and I am okay with that, and that is a great thing for me to be okay with not being done.
I highly recommend anyone who has been through breast cancer to be a part of this course!
- Robyn Scalzo