My name is Avril Ferguson and I was diagnosed with Triple Negative breast cancer mid July 2019 following routine mammogram screening.
I had a lumpectomy, followed by 5 months of chemotherapy (CMF), and finished up radiation treatment in April 2020.
I had just moved to Seattle at the time of diagnosis and had no family or friends nearby for support, just my husband.
Prior to signing up to Revivify I was relieved to be done with treatment but so struggling with the continued isolation due to the Covid pandemic (my plans to make trips to see family scuppered) and the realization that although active treatment was over I now felt so alone in living with the fear of recurrence and the “What now?” I had been listening to The Breast Cancer Recovery Coach podcasts during treatment which was a tremendous resource and heard about Revivify through that.
The resistance I had to join Revivify was that I am an introvert and didn’t think I would feel comfortable sharing in the coaching calls via zoom.
I also felt I couldn’t justify spending the money to do this. However, I am so glad my inner voice was louder than those limiting fears.
I instinctively knew I had to break out of my comfort zone and grab this opportunity to continue healing, particularly mentally.
I decided to view the cost as a health investment in myself and when I compared what actual treatment costs are, participating in the program was a bargain. After a cancer diagnosis, you realize that health is our most valuable commodity and you can’t put a price on it and my mental health was worth it.
Spending money on the program also made me fully participate 100%. I think I wouldn’t have done the exercises or found an excuse not to be on zoom calls if I hadn’t. I also found the more I did the work and participated, the better I was feeling.
The community part of connecting with the other women was so powerful for me. It was the one place I felt totally heard and understood.
Being so isolated just now, this was a weekly boost.
My biggest takeaway from this course is it helped change my negative mindset of the catastrophic diagnosis to one of an experience that I’ve been able to grow from and to be more mindful and present.
All we ever have is the current moment and I need to maximize it. The course also gave me tools going forward to help keep those fears of recurrence at bay and great health and wellness advice to support a healthy lifestyle going forward.
This program has had a very positive impact on my life and makes me look forward in hope. I am motivated to continue on working more on myself and am excited to continue on this positive healing path and be able to continue to connect with other women who have had breast cancer by signing up for Empower.
- Avril Ferguson